Billgamesh King of Uruk, the walled city

Printing sewing patterns

My partner and myself sew, and my partner has been going to the library to print sewing patterns. Apparently, not very many FOSS programs can split a large file into pages that can be assembled into a larger image.

My printer would be able to do that easily! I just had to read (and re-read) a section from a manual on PCL. I am using “ESC + ‘*’” to send lines of graphics to send lines of graphics to the printer.

First step was grabbing a tool to handle SVGs. I found that on Shithub from Phil9. Then it was a simple matter to remove transparency and pipe it into the prorgam.


    svg -d 60 -9 $1 |\
    image/cfilter -f noalpha |\
    iconv -u -c m8 |\
    pcl/poster > /dev/lpt2data

Getting images working correctly was a bit of a hassle. I’m a bit rusty in my programming, and each line of bits had to be packed to the height of the print-head. The first problem was that I kept getting extra columns from memimage(2), which led to some interesting distortions.

In the process, I wrote a companion file that covers most of the PCL funcitons my printer supports, allowing for some pretty cool stuff…

Coming soon…

Hangman on a printer